How can the unknown define you? Is it true that the older you get the less you want to take chances, take risks? Taking a week off from a hectic work schedule has allowed time for reflection. I found myself concluding that only I can determine what is right for me. I've spent most of my life allowing society to tell me what direction to take, worrying about perceptions, expectations. And for what? Well...I've learned that I don't want to live and be and have what everyone else has. My heart won't let it be that way. I don't want to pass judgement on those that are different. Instead I admire and respect the differences. I want to define my happiness. And sometimes getting what you want is hard work but the kind of work worth doing. I am committed to chasing what makes my heart pitter patter and the number one item on my list is finding a way to work less and spend more time with my family. If you have the same item on your list, please do share how you plan to make it possible. Is there something you have been wanting for a long time? Have you thought about acting on it?
Enjoy your weekend and find time for reflection. It helps heal the soul!