It's late in the evening and every one is nestled in bed. I am taking the time to reflect on today. I've added some more pine logs to the fire so that it continues to burn a bit longer in the wood stove. The loud crackles of the burning wood ease me and I sit in my cozy chair and stare at the Christmas tree lights.
I chuckle at the new tradition we started this year and how we strongly agreed to ensure it would become a tradition. It was wearing our Christmas pajamas all day! I must admit it felt comforting and somewhat festive for each of us to fashion our holiday specific pajamas all day. I grab an old knit throw blanket and throw it over me. I find myself drawn to the light shining in through the window. It's a glow from the stars and at that moment I am overwhelmed with relief and joy. Everything I have ever wanted and wished for I have.
My little family. These three people who are my whole world are upstairs sleeping peacefully.
When they laugh, dream, believe I am adoringly engaged and find myself dreaming of how to
ensure that they continue to laugh, dream and believe. Their pure love heals me. It is the gift of all gifts and my favorite one.
I hope that this Christmas you were surrounded by those who give you pure love! And as we embark on a new year, may you write down all of your dreams and find ways to make them happen. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Where I've been...
When you know where you belong, you just have to get there. Right? Well, we are there. It took 3 years of living in the front range to realize that we left our hearts here. This iconic town (mostly known for the frozen dead guy in a tuff shed) has always been home. We rented a 100 year old cabin years ago in Old Town and we actually bought our first home here too!
And now we've found the perfect love nest to raise our girls and just be. We came to the realization that modern conveniences have nothing over living smack in the middle of the national forest and having the biggest playground ever in your own back yard! Only made sense that this is where we should raise our children.. And boy are we All happier, relieved, de-stressed, smiling more, giggling more and breathing deeper. Sometimes you just have to listen to your gut and make things happen. I'm feeling more connected to the desires of my heart. I think we all are. Even Amelie who is only 3 years old repeatedly announces how she loves her home in the mountains.
Because this finally feels like our home, I've named our property. It's called Quinta da Saudade. Of course it's portuguese and I have my father to thank for this name. You see my father always had a way of romanticizing the Portuguese language. My father would argue that there is no english words that could possibly do justice to describing the word Saudade. Well, I'm going to try. In a common way it translates as longing for, something your passionate about. Quinta means a villa. And so officially welcome to Quinta Da Saudade. It's where wonderful things happen! May our paths connect soon and may we be blessed with visits from old friends and new!
I am playing with some new looks to gypsybeing. I have this lovely to thank for the AMAZING banner photo.
I also have to thank my dear friend Angie, for helping me create the banner.
Oh and I can't forget this code guru too!
And now we've found the perfect love nest to raise our girls and just be. We came to the realization that modern conveniences have nothing over living smack in the middle of the national forest and having the biggest playground ever in your own back yard! Only made sense that this is where we should raise our children.. And boy are we All happier, relieved, de-stressed, smiling more, giggling more and breathing deeper. Sometimes you just have to listen to your gut and make things happen. I'm feeling more connected to the desires of my heart. I think we all are. Even Amelie who is only 3 years old repeatedly announces how she loves her home in the mountains.
Because this finally feels like our home, I've named our property. It's called Quinta da Saudade. Of course it's portuguese and I have my father to thank for this name. You see my father always had a way of romanticizing the Portuguese language. My father would argue that there is no english words that could possibly do justice to describing the word Saudade. Well, I'm going to try. In a common way it translates as longing for, something your passionate about. Quinta means a villa. And so officially welcome to Quinta Da Saudade. It's where wonderful things happen! May our paths connect soon and may we be blessed with visits from old friends and new!
I am playing with some new looks to gypsybeing. I have this lovely to thank for the AMAZING banner photo.
I also have to thank my dear friend Angie, for helping me create the banner.
Oh and I can't forget this code guru too!
Monday, August 9, 2010
A few of my favorite things

Oh how I love the weekends! And oh how I love spending it with my family. We started off with a yummy breakfast here. It's one of my favorite places to eat. Next was a stroll down Pearl Street. It was a delicious summer morning. It was a brisk 70 degree morning and the slight chill made me anxious for the upcoming Fall season. The Fall is my favorite season and I am looking forward to putting on a sweater soon. Until then I will enjoy the remainder of the summer bidding it a good farewell.
Saturday, July 17, 2010

How can the unknown define you? Is it true that the older you get the less you want to take chances, take risks? Taking a week off from a hectic work schedule has allowed time for reflection. I found myself concluding that only I can determine what is right for me. I've spent most of my life allowing society to tell me what direction to take, worrying about perceptions, expectations. And for what? Well...I've learned that I don't want to live and be and have what everyone else has. My heart won't let it be that way. I don't want to pass judgement on those that are different. Instead I admire and respect the differences. I want to define my happiness. And sometimes getting what you want is hard work but the kind of work worth doing. I am committed to chasing what makes my heart pitter patter and the number one item on my list is finding a way to work less and spend more time with my family. If you have the same item on your list, please do share how you plan to make it possible. Is there something you have been wanting for a long time? Have you thought about acting on it?
Enjoy your weekend and find time for reflection. It helps heal the soul!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Last Monday, as I was rushing out the door to work, Amelie said to me "Mom, please stay home with me, don't go to work". My heart was crushed. As soon as I arrived to work, I requested time off and now I am off from work this week enjoying my girls and some summer sunshine. My heart has been telling me that I have been focusing to much on all of the other things in life instead of what matters! We are enjoying every moment!
I think this would be a fun vacation WWOOFING with my family!
Love Woody's version of this!
Enjoyed a yummy new creation of mine for dinner- Butternutsquash Enchiladas!
Maybe you should think about taking some time off. ;]
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Mid Summer Being

I'm feeling a bit tender today. On this mid summer day i'm reflecting
and contemplating many thoughts. It is rather difficult to try and
process all of them. So instead I'm embracing this welcomed tenderness by
allowing myself to be. My inner gypsy is lingering and trying to
surface. I can feel her and it is important I listen to what wisdom
she wants to share.
Last weekend we loaded up the Disco and took the girls on a road trip
to Durango,CO. It was a 6 hour drive and we had plenty of time to
laugh,sing and chat. In honor of father's day Jason went Mt. Biking and
got his fix. The girls and I enjoyed exploring the town. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the humming birds. So many of them humming their sweet melodies. I often found myself naturally humming along with them. This much needed getaway
validated that Colorado is truly where I belong. It is were my roots are grounded and settled. It's the place that allows me to feel closest to Mother Earth and grateful for her beauty and nurture.
Sometimes we need to mindful of our feelings and allow them to be.
Link love:
Are you looking for yummy soap? This is the place. My favorite is Portuguese Breakfast.
Addicted to these yummy snacks.
I want one of these.
Listening to this song over and over and over.
Loving Jack's new CD. It was on our road trip compilation. Particularly groovin to this!
Wow...dreaming of this home!
Happy Summer!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Off To The Mountains

The family and I are off to the mountains. We are making it an extra long weekend and getting away. We are excited for our adventure! I am delighted to get my mountain fix! Enjoy your weekend!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Puddle Wonderful

After a week of hot summer temperatures, a rainy weekend was welcomed! WHEW! Temperatures here dropped from 90 degrees into the low 50's. There was something invigorating about feeling the chill of cold rain drops on my warm skin. As the rain fell softly, I felt as if it was purifying a new beginning. So when Amelie put on her rain boots to jump in puddles outside, I didn't try to distract her... instead I understood and joined her. So much fun! Soon, I hope to share some great news that involves our favorite unique town in the mountains! Keep your fingers crossed. Here's to an evening that involves socks, warm tea with honey, a knitted throw wrapped around me and a movie with just the husband. Shhh both girls are asleep!
I want this cozy to decorate a mug of my favorite chai.
Oh and this song has been in my head all weekend. Helped motivate the puddle jumping.
Amelie loves this song!
Wish I had these on my bed!
Good night!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Everyday Special

My mother a widow in her early thirties made a courageous decision to uproot the only life she knew in São Miguel,Açores and traveled on a jet plane across the Atlantic ocean with her three young children and immigrated to America. I always viewed this as such a bold and courageous act. I often reflect on what that journey must of been like for my mother, sister and brothers.
When she came to America, she celebrated her new lifr by purchasing a Polish China set. She later met my father, remarried and surprise I came along! Believe it or not this china sat in my mothers china cabinet for 32 years! When my parents decided to move back to Portugal, my mother said that she wanted me to have the china set. I was elated because I was getting married that same year and it was the perfect gift. I would now possess the beautiful Polish China set. I have used it a couple times but now it is sitting in my china cabinet and I've realized I need to use it more. No need to wait for a special occasion because every day is special. So in honor of my mother's brave journey 38 years ago; I will use the Polish China set more. So if you ever come to visit, I'll be sure to bring out the china.
And these photos... oh how I love reusing, reducing and recycling. I've added these to my virtual vision board:

reduce recycle
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tiny People
This evening I spent some time examining some of the poetry I wrote 12 years ago. My words then described uncertainty, escape and fear of the unknown. As I reflected on those raw feelings of so long ago, I found myself sighing with relief, grateful for my present. It was 12 years ago today that I began my self discovery journey. The one where I packed everything I owned into my little white Mazda and drove for days until I reached Colorado. I had $500.00 to my name and one friend to crash with. It was Colorado's beauty that healed this little girls fear and opened my eyes to welcome the unknown. I remember when I arrived, I hiked my very first trail in Boulder (The Royal Arch) and when I reached the top l gasped at the beauty that surrounded me. At that moment I opened my heart and the healing began. Over the years, I have learned how to fall to my knees with grace, get up quickly and smile (even if it hurts). After everything, I have been blessed with the greatest gift... motherhood. A journey with many fresh wounds and jubilant victories. It took everything to get here, the mistakes, the joys, the tears, the hopes.... all worth it. Because now, I have the pleasure of spending my time with these tiny people. Every moment possible I am by there side laughing, singing, dancing,snuggling and being.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Pitter Patter
I am still in quite a fancy over how jovial the long holiday weekend was. It all started with a carousel ride. I thought that opening day at the new carousel in Nederland (our favorite town ever) would be such a fun adventure for Amelie (my 3 year old) but it turns out it lit a fire of giddiness inside of me. The music, the sounds of laughter, the smell of popcorn awakend me to memories of being a child! I haven't felt child-like in a long time. I found myself whispering "It's okay to feel this way enjoy it". And that I did. For the rest of the weekend many little things made my heart pitter patter a bit faster than it normally tends too. Everyone needs to let their inner child shine a bit more. I have rediscovered mine and promise myself to keep her around and pay more attention to her. What makes your heart pitter patter?
Here are some of the things that fed the giddiness:
I bounced around the house all weekend listening to this song!
Oh and these would look scrumptious on Penelope's feet!
This outfit made me want to travel so I booked a mini vacation here.
I just got this and can't wait until the mailman drops it off.
My inner child says I should treat myself to this because it sure is pretty.
inner child
Friday, May 28, 2010
AHA Moments

Sometimes I feel there’s a gap between the life I dream about and the life I currently accept. Yet I continue to live within the same life configuration believing that my hopes alone will someday induce change. And then an AHA MOMENT and I realize that life is currently configured to give me the results that I am getting. If I want different results, I need to create a different configuration. I have to remind myself that I control my happiness and my gypsy being is itching for a new journey, a new adventure.
A big part of what feeds my itch are the evenings (when the girls are both asleep) my husband (Jason) and I cozy up on the couch and engage in conversations that carry us off into the life we dream of. We envision opening the back door and walking into a yard filled with our very own luscious organic gardens and chickens running from the girls laying eggs everywhere. We pretend we smell the scent of squashed grapes fresh off the vine ready for us to foment into wine and then laugh at how one to many sips of our home made vino would put us both to sleep. We consider the purchase of that RV we keep talking about, and how we would take to the highway in search of treasures via tag sales and flea markets. We ponder the possibility of moving to Portugal living in a villa with acres of land. Ah the power of words and our conversations. I am so grateful that Jason nourishes my spirit of adventure and possibility. Speaking these dreams out loud helps bring us one step closer to making them reality.
I've decided (starting a different configuration here) to create a vision board that will display our dreams in writing along with pictures and gadgets that inspire our dreams. The goal is to read our dreams every day so that we will take some kind of action into making them reality. We just can't let them remain dreams. So here's to a nice long holiday weekend allowing more time for discussing dreams with your loved ones. What are some of your dreams?
*Photo Credit to D. Sharon Pruitt
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